Future tech - today
Over the years, business plans change and adapt to their environments. With physical age comes limitations, and we’ve all but pulled out of the sign building and installing end of the business. While there are times we miss that aspect, we don’t miss digging the holes and dealing with bureaucratic permitting. We’ve shifted our focus a bit to maintaining our graphics end of the business, servicing our first responder friends and departments. Along with that shift, we did have to find another outlet that will hopefully fill some of the void left by the sign side, and that’s investing in a fiber laser. That style laser enables us to mark metals pretty efficiently and sometimes, depending on the metal, with some color! .
.015 aluminum anodized business cards
.063 black coated aluminum for a no longer produced vehicle ID plate
.030 coated brass disc
One of our minimalist wallets from our industrial collection, marked on the plastic cover
PU Leather minimalist wallet cover
Elk Ridge axe, being turned into a fantasy themed axe
These style lasers excel at metal marking, but not so much on natural materials and some plastics, though those can pushed sometimes. Pleather is a favorite to mark – some really nice embossed looks can be made! We’ve been doing a number of different projects getting to know the process(es) needed to mark various metals; some of projects are actual stampings akin to a coin, trying various techniques. We’ve also been very successful in providing NLA number plates for the antique kit car community – a process that can certainly be copied to lock-out tags, equipment tags, accountability tags – just about anything you would need a permanent mark for!
In the examples above, you see everything from aluminum business cards to a fantasy axe (actually, a production axe from Elk Ridge Professional) under the laser. One item is a custom minimalist wallet, which we also offer on our sister site UplandWallet.com If you or your company has a need for some custom gifts, send us a message!

Stainless guitar picks, annealed to blue

Stainless guitar picks annealed to black with a brass plated coin, surface burned to black

Solid brass coin, two different surface treatments

Flip side of the brass coin with a cupronickel coin next to it. Deep engrave and surface finished with a black burn

Minimalist wallets for one of our clients. Colors for each department.

Group of brass coated 40mm coins, surface finished black and a light anneal

Detail of surface finishes

Detail of surface finishes

.020 anodized business cards for membership cards